Monday, March 31, 2008

What the Experts Say

It is hard to say what exactly defines an expert in dodgeball. Those who run leagues or play in leagues are certainly experts but often will be bias in favor the sport. Therefore it seems to come down to physical education teachers and directors where there is a large split. Here are some of the various quotes defending both sides from the experts.

Bill DePue vice president of the National Amateur Dodgeball Association says, "It's a great workout, great for hand-eye coordination, develops agility, and teamwork too."

Bill Bender a PE teacher in Washington says, "You look at the competition, you find the weakness in their presentation, and you exploit it. It's not really a whole lot different from regular life."

Neil Williams of Eastern Connecticut State University wrote in his report, the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, that dodgeball was the "charter inductee" in his "Physical Education Hall of Fame." He declared it "self-defeating, because the students who are in the greatest need of skill development are immediately banished, embarrassed and punished, and then given no opportunity to improve. He also said, "the game is a litigation action waiting to happen."

In an extreme analogy, Ronald Kamm, a leading sports psychiatrist, wrote, "In a time of terrorism, when we are all targets, it gives us a chance to play out our fears. We are both hunter and prey in the game and we can master our fears in small quantities."

Rusty Walker, president of the Los Angeles Dodgeball Society says, "Everyone knows dodgeball is athletic -- it takes skills and energy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thx for this info it really helps my school grade alot. this website saved my grade by turning a C into a B+